So I am going to head in a two part direction on this posting. The beginning being that I had a wonderful friend who lives in Jamaica that told me about a product I would love since I sort of geek out about Jamaican food. *drool* I can not recommend both of these products enough. Absolutely amazing flavor with each of them.
With that said…on with the recipes.
- 1 package thin sliced chicken breast (you don’t HAVE to buy the thin sliced chicken but I think it allows the rub to absorb better, giving more flavor.
- Jerk Rub (2 tablespoons mixed with equal parts olive oil per 1 pound of meat)
- 1 package red beans and rice (your preferred brand works)
- 1 bag of shredded cole slaw
- 1 cup diced pineapple
- 1\2 cup minced red onion
- 1\3 cup diced cilantro (or green onion for those that don’t like cilantro)
- 4 tablespoons white vinegar
- 2 tablespoon brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons pineapple juice
- 1 lime
At LEAST one hour ahead of time mix the rub into the chicken. I like to use those 2 quart ziploc bags to do these things so I can keep my hands relatively clean. Then refrigerate until you are ready to cook. Preheat oven to 375 and bake for 30 minutes. (*This is also the right time to start your red beans and rice. Most packages take around 20 minutes to cook.) You can also grill them but the baking seems to keep them juicier. My little tip is at the end, turn your oven to broil and let the top brown up a little (probably 2-3 minutes but you seriously need to watch things while they broil so you don’t burn). Take it out of the oven and drizzle some of that amazing jerk sauce I posted.
Now the rest of those ingredients go to make the pineapple slaw. This can be made while your chicken is baking OR you can make it first and keep it chilled. Totally up to you.
Put your coleslaw in a bowl and add all the other ingredients except the lime. Stir well, then cut the lime into wedges and squeeze the juice over the slaw. The white vinegar and the sugar in this will cut/compliment the spice of the chicken.
The jerk sauce and rub can be purchased here:
They are also available on Amazon.
This looks like something I’d see in fusion restaurant here (in Jamaica). Beautiful!